Friday, June 6, 2014


I have been learning a few things as I write. One that writing is healing. Two, spending time reading other authors has become a teacher in itself. Three, wow, my skills and vocabulary are lacking to say the least. Was kinda ready for that. And another revelation uncovered has been a parallel drawn on from golf. Some where anticipated, others not so.
This power writing is displaying in revealing myself, is illuminating. I did not know that it held such insightful capability. It's tearing away layers that I have not discovered and ones that I have placed myself as if my heart were an onion. This welcomed discover I was unaware would take place. I am not complaining, don't get me wrong. It is a dimension unwrapped by just writing. Just strange and healing. Revolutionary to my soul.
I really started reading habitually in my mid-twenty's. A friend of mine gave me a book Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. It is the igniting factor birthing my increased reading. Since then I have read a ton of books. I must say my favorite to date The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. The manner in which she brought to life the relationships formed in the weaving of the story. Captured me.If it has not dawned I pretty much read fiction. The biggest adjustment while reading has been limiting my immersion in the story. It is hard to discern the skills used by authors when I am unable to resist page turning. Slowing down and paying attention to the details has shown me much. Theme, dialogue, character intro and development are a few of the techniques I have discovered. Nice to have a silent teacher. First for that.
I spent little time when I was in school on writing, even reading for that matter. I was interested in sports and that was it. Nothing else really mattered. Since a light has dawned in my heart for writing I have found how valuable all that previous stuff really was. My loss. Anyhow, undaunted I press on. I will learn, write down the words I am unsure of and look them up latter. I have constructed a document/file for words and enlist them into action. While finances are tight I just write, no conferences or classes. Just write. A daily journal and WIP.

As I mentioned earlier about sports. I love golf. It is difficult and embarrassing sport. But it has significance for me in self discovery as well. One of the things I have been shown by trial and error in hours of practice, utilized is to relax. Just as in a golf swing tension is the enemy so to in writing. Although manifested differently but its outcome revealed the same. Doubt plays a role in both too. Visualization is a key. See the shot, see the story. So when those fragments of thought come calling I write them down and take a ride with them. Little short clips or movies of imagination play forth on my minds screen. Pretty cool. Better late than never. Its rewards are addicting.

May your light dawn, following its glow and taking its ride.

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